

Oil Boom or Agricultural Bust?

I've just come across a story/documentary called "My Country, No More" that is seeking funding for completion about the conflict of interest between agriculture and industry on the oil fields in North Dakota. The story is that of those living in Trenton, ND, above the newly discovered oil reserves versus those seeking to build a diesel refinery. The film apparently addresses several pertinent questions about how to measure the oil boom's impact on the land, the community, and the future, and tries to assess the human costs and benefits. The rush to capitalize on the oil, for better or worse, will transform those communities, that land, and should help the U.S. to become less reliant on foreign oil in the future. I quote the article: "What and who are we willing to sacrifice in our pursuit of progress?" I've got a burning question of my own: Did we, as heavy consumers of oil from other countries, offer this assessment of their land, communities, and futures before we built refineries and pipelines in their towns? Now that it's possible to supply our needs with oil from North Dakota, aren't we obligated to do so and relieve the burden we've placed on other countries? If anything this film could shed light on the issue of how much oil we use and the predicted upcoming shortage; and on what the human costs and benefits have been in other parts of the world.

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